Monday, July 20, 2009

A tentative line up for HIVE NUMBER THREE in October

Starting to gear up for HIVE THREE which is slated to appear in October so I thought I'd show a tentative list of contributors

J.W. Cotter
Matt Kindt
Hawk Krall
John (Sorry Comics)
Malachi Ward
Chris Mostyn
Jon Freihofer
J.M. Shiveley
Joe Decie
Eamon Espey
Thomas Beard
Chad R. Woody
Mark Leicht
Wayne Wells

and a cover by the talented Doug Wilson

We are pretty excited about this issue. It will have a shocking secret agenda! It will show you your true love! It will whisper the things you've never told anyone into your ear as you sleep. We will be on the front pages of the WORLD! Maybe.

1 comment:

  1. When's the deadline to have the submission done for the october edition? I have an idea, but I don't want to rush it if it has to be done too quickly.
