Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Prize Comics #2 by Hawk Krall

We just received Prize #2 by Hawk Krall in the mail and are redolent in its beautiful filthiness. We know we should shower but we are hoping the smell lingers for years.

Saturday, September 26, 2009

The power and the terror

Things that are amazing to hold in my hands = eight original pages of unpublished Chris Mostyn art.

Things that are terrifying to hold in my hands = eight original pages of unpublished Chris Mostyn art.

Friday, September 25, 2009

This is the moment we've been training for . . .

The celestial choirs have attuned their harmonies! The crystals spires arise from the desert! Omens and portents have culminated in this! Yes faithful believers, the day is upon us! Malachi Ward has released "Utu" into printed existence and we can begin our worship.

Monday, September 21, 2009

Top Shelf $3 Sale!!

This is too good to pass up! Go support this great company and get some astounding art for less than the cost of the ink!

Top Shelf $3 Sale

J.M. Shiveley Blog

The editor of HIVE has started a blog to focus mainly on his comic work. Check it out if ye be so inclined.

J.M. Shiveley BLOG

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

HIVE Hearts Jamie Tanner

This is a cause we can get behind. This is a cause that has us stockpiling ski masks and pouring over bank floor plans. This is a cause we have semi-dishonorable intentions towards.

Jamie Tanner Makes a New Graphic Novel